।।। त्रिमुखश्चैव रुद्राक्षो अप्वग्नित्रयस्वरूपकः तद्धारणाच्च हुतभुक् तस्य तुष्यति नित्यशः ।।
श्रीमद्देवीभागवतम् अ. ७, श्लो. २६
Three Mukhi Rudraksha is a form of all three types of fire. The wearer is blessed by Lord Agni.
Shrimaddevibhagavatam, Chapter. 7, Shloka. 26
The Three mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Agni.
The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Agni (fire). He is the three faced Rig Vedic deity who is fiery and powerful. He is addressed as Mahajwalaa and Saptajivha (The one with seven tongues). Agni Dev is the deity that manifests in the fiery heat of the sun, in the lightning strike and in households as fire for cooking. Anything that touches him is reduced to ashes.
It is said to be good for boosting your energy levels, overcoming laziness and improving blood circulation. It is believed to make the wearer fearless, courageous and enhances self-esteem. It helps in subduing the negative effects of Mars. It provides a protective shield to the children.
Wearing 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to be as auspicious as participating in Havans (sacred worship with offerings to fire) as per texts. It is believed that accrued sins of past life are effectively burnt. Thus the wearer is set free from the burden of past Karmas. So powerful is Agni’s tongues that he laps up negativity and purifies the wearer and his surroundings. It is also associated with the trinity of supreme Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. A 3 Mukhi Rudraksha can be placed in the kitchen to enhance the Vaastu and energize the kitchen area.
Agni Dev can be pleased by chanting his Gayatri and wearing the three Mukhi Rudraksha. The secrets of an illuminated mind and existence are unveiled when this practice is followed. Agni embodies life, duty, sacrifice, virtues and liberation. In Mythology Agni had a very close connection with Lord Shiva and his consort Goddess Parvati.
Agni Dev is one of the Panch Mahabhutas (five elements) who burns evil to ashes. The seed of Shiva that was fiery was handed over first to Agni for safe keeping as that would be the child who would later on slay Tarkasura. Agni safely carries this seed to Ganga and she in turn places him it in the Sharavana reeds. This seed eventually becomes Kartikeya the son of Shiva. In Rig-Veda Agni was given a very prominent place of importance. He exists in heaven, earth, sky and the underworld.
It is no doubt that Lord Shiva assigned the 3 Mukhi Rudraksha to the three faced Agni. It is the flames of burning fire that keeps a person warm. Similarly this Rudraksha brings about a warm existence that is filled with blessings of self-confidence and a guilt free existence.
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